Friday, August 30, 2013

Purchased an Electric Pressure Cooker from taobao online marketplace

Recently, I bought a SUPOR electric pressure cooker from taobao online shopping to cook rice porridge, cost me at an offer price of  RMB ¥ 369.00(about SGD 75)

or google search for "electric pressure cooker taobao"

or for "电高压锅"

Such electric pressure cooker with similar quality if you would like to get it from Singapore local retail shop, band such as TAIYO, PHILIPS etc. will costs you around SGD 130 to SGD 400 

Electric pressure cookers offer you better saving energy and cooking time from 1/2 to 2/3 magnitude, the nutritional values of food are also preserved better than normal cooking. With an electric pressure cooker, prepare your own meal at home no longer complicated. 

Note : The instruction menu is available only in Chinese language as taobao line shopping is mainly for Chinese people.